Hamptons Style Curtains that Transform Your Home into Your Haven
If you ask me, Hamptons style curtains should be a design category all of their own. They are the graceful queen of a room, central to the space and effortless in her splendour. I’ve already spent this entire blog post singing the general praises of window treatments,...
10 Years Bringing Hamptons Style Interior Design to Australia & Where It All Began
It was back in 2010 that I made the trip to the Hamptons and returned to create Hamptons style interior design and furniture lines for Australians. Over a decade later, that mission has evolved to include creating classic homes for our design and decorating clients,...
What are the Design Elements of Classic Style Interiors?
The other day, I realised that I talk to you about classic style interiors all the time, but I’ve never explicitly shared the characteristics that make a space “classic”. For example, if you browse through our portfolio, you might notice that every space...