How Much to Renovate a Bathroom (With Estimates)
How much does it cost to renovate a bathroom here in Canberra? Especially if that bathroom favours a classic, sophisticated look? These are questions you will need answers to long before beginning your project, and today, we’re going to give it a try. Having worked...
How the Pandemic Has Changed the Home Industry (& What We’re Doing About It)
The pandemic has impacted every industry I can think of, and the home industry is no exception. In just a year (albeit one that has felt like several), we have seen major changes to the interior design industry, the decorating industry, and other home-related fields,...
How to Make Smart Interior Selections with Our Design Organiser
You know you need to make interior selections for your home… your builder is asking for them… but where do you start? Or maybe you’ve already made several design selections, but there are another two dozen that you didn’t realise you needed… and they all have to look...