Plumery Jewellery Boutique

The starting point:

With a launch date looming, Plumery Jewellery sought us out to establish a luxurious and contemporary seating area for their clients to relax, browse catalogues, and inspect precious gems.

The journey:

We selected fabrics, furniture, rugs, curtains, wallpaper, and accessories for this space and supplied and oversaw the installation from concept to completion.

The investment:

Furnishings budget: $2,000 per m2 (excluding design services)

Service: All Stages Custom Decorating

The destination:

Consistent with their branding, we grounded the space in tones of white, sapphire, navy, and deep umber. Upholstered bar stools offer comfortable counter seating, while traditional furnishings and soft textiles add the air of luxury and comfort Plumery desired.

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